The great God in the gentle breeze

Great to gather this week as our local church, our community of God’s people. Thanks to Lake for leading our worship, remembering how great God is and that He is with us through the valley as well as on the mountain top. We prayed for suffering sisters who need to know Gods comfort, peace and His faithfulness even in The “valley of the shadow of death” and we heard the great story, what felt like first hand of God’s great servant Elijah. And not just the bit about the fiery chariot and the trip to heaven. But the man who followed God wherever He led, and who heard God’s voice not in the fire, nor the storm, nor the earthquake, but as a whisper in the gentle breeze. Thanks James for telling Elijah’s story in a fresh, engaging and challenging way. Oh, and we sang, as we do…

Psalm 23 by Stuart Townend

His love endures forever by Chris Tomlin

10,000 reasons by Matt Redman

Faithful One by Brian Doerksen

How great is our Giod by Chris Tomlin and

Mighty to save by Hillsongs


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